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For the inquisitive mind, Physics is an excellent tool to discover the mechanism and processes which underlie the functioning of almost everything that happens around us. The children are introduced to this subject in year 7 and continue to study it till year 8, after which they make the option of continuing with it or choosing different subject options.


  1. To acquire knowledge and understanding of the terms, facts, concepts, definitions, laws, principles, and processes of Physics.
  2. To develop skills in practical aspects of handling apparatus, recording observations, etc.
  3. To develop the ability to apply the knowledge and understanding of Physics to unfamiliar situations.
  4. To develop a scientific attitude through the study of physical sciences.

Faculty Profile

  • Mr P. Bhatt, M.Sc., B. Ed. - Head of the Department
  • Mr. A Kumar, M.Sc., B. Ed., C.I.C.
Wynberg Allen School Mussoorie, India By Verbanet Technologies L.L.C : Web design company, Dubai, UAE